Thursday, January 06, 2011

Blank Sheet of Paper

Some people say that a blank sheet of paper scares them but I think it is the best thing in the world. To most it seems like the blank sheet is a great big area that they must fill or use or put something great on. It is like a giant "white" black hole that is just too insurmountable to conquer. To them is may seem that the blank sheet is just screeming at them to make sure that whatever they put on it is great or grand or perfect. To this I would definitely have to disagree.

The blank sheet is a world of potential because anything can go there or it can become anything. With a sheet of paper you can travel to far away places, create entire worlds, see something in minute detail or just express yourself in any way that you want. In the book "The Imagineering Way" by the Disney Imagineers it talks about the blank sheet of paper.

"..when your faced with that blank page, you must make that first mark on it. It doesn't matter whether you are an artist, a writer, an engineer, or an accountant. Making that first mark is the challange. There is no question that making that first mark can cause even the most lionhearted among us to think twice. Should I play it safe and give the boss what I think he/she wants? Or should I be a risk taker and head in a new direction?"

So here is my challege to you today. Go get a blank sheet of paper and be a risk taker and let your imagination lose on it. Do finger paints or markers or anything that is outside of you normality. Let your imagination run wild and don't worry about whether it is good or not; just let your mind create. And don't worry there are plenty more sheets of paper to fill with the "perfectly done" stuff.

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