Friday, September 05, 2008

Benefits or Money?

Where do you draw the line between Family Business and taking advantage of an employee? That question has been daunting my mind for over a month now. Heres the dilema...
I love my job and I love my family, but since I work for the family business I am not making nearly as much for what I do as I should. For what I am doing, I should be somewhere around 20 to 25 dollars an hour. But for all intents and purposes I have yet to go over the $14.5/hr mark. Now don't get me wrong, there are a ton of advantages to working for the family business. (ie. vacation time when wanted and several other things that you wouldn't normally get in a regular business.)
Its hard to put value on things like that, but it still doesn't take into consideration my experience and my knowledge of the area that I work in. Honestly if it were any other person in my shoes they probably would have quit by now because of lack of support and lack of pay. So my question remains what to do...? Do I find another job and have to deal with schedules and such, making more money? Or do I stay and have the benefits with a rediculously low pay?

I'll let you stew on that for a bit...