Sunday, January 02, 2011

Game Night!

Having some time to just hang out with friends is very fun and relaxing. Tonight we went to Lynell and Jon Dissel's house and had a game night. It so much fun because we just  bring over a few games and then we pick a few and play through them. Tonight's selections were "Bang, The Adventurers, and Attica" For the most part they are usually just board games and we play more for the social aspect of being with other people who are around our own age. We don't get together as often as I would like but with schedules being very busy with school and work and babies and everything else in life it just seem like we only get to do it about every two or three months. We are trying to make it more of a monthly thing but It seems that it may not be possible but we will have to wait and see.

Our game night group usually consists of Emily and myself, Jon and Lynell, Beka and Matt (who are recently engaged and getting married in May, Who happen to have met through one of our game nights.) and then sometimes a few of Lynell's old friends show up, but mostly it is just the six of us. And that doesn't bother us to much for the fact that most of our places that we live are very small and we don't have much room to setup a lot of chairs and tables.

We seem to always get giggly a bit and reminisce about the "Old Days" in high school and then we also have that time when we get all serious and talk about life and what is going on with each other. I always love hearing all the amazing things that people are doing just for the mere pleasure of being able to reconnect. In some ways I hate getting old and growing up because more and more time slips by and friends get farther and farther apart. I loved the "glory days" of just being able to call up friends at the last minute and go out and do something. But that is all gone now and it we just have to savor the moments that we get to spend together.

Savor the moments that you have for soon the time you have will be gone!

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