Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Dream to Reality

Wow! It has been along time since I have had the opportunity to write on this blog. A lot has happened since the last post.
Since that post I have gone through a major depression and numb phase of my life where I didn't want to do anything except for stay alive. This was a very weird phase because I didn't even realize I was there. It was like I was stuck inside my body and I couldn't control it. I wanted so bad to be able to change my life and I didn't see how I could. My salvation in this numb state came from my dear wife who still wanted to be with me despite my state of mind. She had the gumption to make a choice and put me into a place where I had to come out of myself and take control. (Though I did need other help from some medication to bring me out of this state.)
During the numb phase we were very low on income so we moved out to Vernal, UT with my brother-in-law and sister-in-law. We stayed there for a few months and during that time I fell into a deeper depression and the medication I had started taking was making me feel numb and I wasn't sad but at the same time I wasn't happy either. After a couple months Emily finally called my parents and talked to them and they offered to have us stay in their basement which was a lot more than the one room we had at Emily's sister's house. It also gave me the opportunity to change my medication to something else that would work better. So we moved, again. Also while we were in Vernal we had decided to rent our Townhome because we could rent it for more money than all of the bills.
At my parents house it was a lot better because I was able to have some support from my family. I was still doing the same job I had out in vernal. (I had been working the graveyard shift at the smith's and I was able to get a transfer to one of the stores in the salt lake valley.) I hated the hours but I knew that I needed to support my family. Another month or two went by and I couldn't take it anymore so I quit. That was probably the best decision, because it opened my mind up to the possibility of doing anything else. That is when I got an email from my favorite company, 3 Key Elements.
I am a designer and wanted to do that for a living but I thought "If I can get my foot in the door and just work hard I can move into the position I want." So I applied for a job opening that they had in their client services department. I GOT IT! (Happy dance!) So on April 18, 2014 I started my job at 3 Key Elements. I worked hard and learned quickly that this company is more amazing than I even thought. I could do another post just on all the things that make this company great. This shift in jobs is what brought me out of my funk that I had been in for almost a year.
After about 6 months the person who they had doing their Social media/design work moved on to another opportunity and there was an opening. I jumped on it. I discussed with them what I could do for them and what my limitations were on social media. I even talked with the Vice-President of the company and she wanted to see what I could do. That day they asked me to spend one hour after work and come up with a graphic for a concept that they teach in their classes. Rather than waiting until the end of the day I went home during lunch and created the graphic on my computer (in less than 45 Mins) I returned to the office and handed a printed version of my graphic to the VP and said "Something like this?".... Her jaw dropped.... "When did you do this?" .... me, "During lunch", "want to see more of my work now?"..
The next day they offered me a position I was not expecting, a place on the A/V team and when I wasn't helping with events then I would be doing "some but not all" design work. I accepted and made step two toward my goal that I had in the back of my mind. Step three came about 4-5 Months later after a few changes were made in personnel. "We want you to be on our newly formed creative team as our full time designer." YES, YES, YES!!! This is what I had always wanted. To work for a  company that I loved and that I enjoyed going to everyday. (Literally, I looked forward everyday to going in and creating new amazing designs that would help the company change poeple's lives.) My style and skills were exactly what they needed for the company. I have never been more proud of my work and how it made me feel. (Oh, I still had lots of stress meeting deadlines and making last minute changes, but I always took it as a challenge and made it happen.) The best part of it all was when the Pres. and VP would see my work and them make a point of telling me how awesome it was and how impressed they were with my work.

More updates in the next posts...