These wedges are negative thoughts and emotions. More specifically they are the negative thoughts and emotions that we say or think about ourselves or others that then we believe and then let stick in our mind. I have found that there is one specific thing that allows those thoughts to start pushing into our mind. It is sarcasm, joking, eye rolling, and mocking. These seem innocent enough but when we really think about it they are just the tip or the start of insecurity, fear, and anger.
Whenever I see/hear someone using sarcasm I can immediately tell that somewhere inside of them they are fighting some fear or anger about themself. If you think about a good example, lets say Jesus Christ (my perfect example) he NEVER used sarcasm or joking or mocking. These jokes though they may be funny never are funny for the person that they are about. Even if they laugh they are hurting somewhere deep down inside and that hurt is what drives those wedges into our brain that cause the interrupt in our brain between our body and soul. And just because that person isn't there doesn't mean that they won't feel it.
Now you know how to identify if you have wedgies. Negative thoughts, negative emotions, and the biggest one is using sarcasm, joking, mocking, and eye rolling. Once we have identified them we can now get rid of them. Will talk in detail on the next post about how to combat and pull out your wedgies.
It's all comes back to the wedgies from here on out.
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