Sunday, July 24, 2011

Temporary Lapse in Desire

To all those who have been reading my blog I appologize for not keeping up on it lately. Some things in my life have become very complicated and this blog has not been the biggest priority. However I have worked throughh some issues and found some porper compromise and hopefully this blog will become a more regular occurance than just every few months. My plan is to be able to have a few words of wisdom each week or even twice a week if time permits. With all this technogoly you might think that we would have more time but it seems that no matter how much time we can find in a day, we will always seem to fill it up with more and more stuff.

So now on to what I really want to talk about. I was sitting here this morning listening to a conference talk on the church's website ( and I chose it totally at random just because I liked the voice of the speaker (Elder Oaks) and his talk was on desire and the desires of our hearts. It touched my heart in a way that I have not feflt in a long time. It really made me think about where I have been putting the priorities in my life. In the past I have always justified my desire to go and work with the reason that I am "bringing home the bacon" for my wife and family. But in actuality I must be honest and say that go to work more for rmyself because, one, I love what I do for work; and two, that sometimes I need some space to sit and think about all the things that are going on in my life. I'm not saying that I don't love my wife or want to be with her every moment of every day but more that I just sometimes need to have some time to sit and reflect and make good decisions.

So now over my desk at work I have this priority list in a target like image. Starting at the center (bullseye) is GOD and then going outward are the labels: Wife, Family, Work, Education and Fun (respectively) and over the target are the words "Where does it fit in your priorites?" It has been an enormous help and getting thing back into perspective has opened my eyes to all of the more important things that I have/or have not been doing.